Tree Surgeon Services

MIG Garden Care provides a full tree surgery service to the Rutherglen area of South Lanarkshire.

MIG Garden Care is fully qualified Tree Surgeons (trained to NPTC + CITY & GUILDS standards) and carry full insurance.

If you have ever walked along a path where the trees grow above to form a tunnel but don’t interfere with your ability to pass, you have seen crown raising in action.  This is a process used by a tree surgeon around the country to ensure that trees remain solid and healthy but don’t block paths or cause problems over roads.

Crown raising or lifting involves removing the lower branches of a tree to keep the central areas intact but mean that lower branches don’t cause problems.  It doesn’t involve the removal of large branches that grow straight from the trunk as this can hurt the tree.  Instead, it shortens some branches where needed and removes smaller ones.

The process isn’t just used to clear an area above a path, either.  It is used to allow light to pass through the tree and ensure it isn’t too close to a property.  There are very specific numbers involved with the tree surgeon working to a certain height from the ground to give clearance and to let more light in.

This is just one of the tree surgeon processes that MIG Garden Care offer to help you keep the trees around your property in top condition.  We offer a free quote so if you are unsure what needs doing, we can visit and give you our recommendations.

Contact MIG Garden Care to discuss your requirements.